Life on Screens!

“Life is short.” A common phrase that most of us have heard at some point. I am quite sure most of us believe that the life span is not too long. But has it always been like that? You would see, nowadays, everything and everyone around us keeps on emphasizing the fact that life is precious. Yet often we choose things that would qualify us as taking our lives for granted!

But let’s discuss more about life. I think the way we choose to spend our time defines the way we lived. A biggest mistake an individual can make is to assume that he has got time. Time is limited, but choices are not! We all strive for an amazing and fulfilling life where we are not bound by any constraints. Happiness and a sense of satisfaction is something we all need. But, not many of us are living that sort of life.

We are in charge of our lives. We solely choose the way we spend our time. Of course, it is influenced by many factors that might govern our actions but they do exist for everyone. Most of us are so busy portraying ourselves to be far better than we actually are, instead of trying to find and build something meaningful, something that comes from within. We tend to find an easy way out by just pretending to be someone we wish we could be and this modern age is providing all sorts of facilities to accomplish it.

Technology was developed to improve the efficiency of human efforts. But, just like any other aspect in the world, we used it to comfort us. Of course, our efficiency and effectiveness got raised. We reached such a high level of development which was earlier not even imagined. Every person, holding a smart device in their hands, opens themselves to possibilities to gain expertise in all known fields. Global communication did fade the importance of geographical constraints.

But among all these high utility advantages, the curse of deep addiction is tampering with our minds. Connecting people through social media in name of increasing social quotient did increase our bubble of comfort zone. It is so mesmerizing; we are not even making an effort to consider the fact that it might have some flaws. We are too much reliant on it for our so called ‘relaxation’. Result is our eyes need social feeds, the palm doesn’t feel right when there is no screen on it and our fingers are restless when they don’t swipe. A simple comfort craving our time and efforts grows into a necessity. People are being controlled, doing the bidding of their smart phones. We, especially millennial, are compromising the true reality over a virtual platform.

Different people have got varying opinions. Some people think that this technology and the package that comes with it is the very essence of our modern generation and rightly so, the continuous improvement is what differentiates us from our predecessors. But the improvement is not leading us to the greatness, it vibes as a distraction.

Social space on internet is undoubtedly a better way to give voice to the ideas, to ensure and enrich innovation. But only a handful takes actual initiative to make use of it. Most people are so invested in admiring everyone else’s creativity that they fail to harness their own! A free mind that wanders promotes distinct visions. It assists in new inventions, developing unique theories and more. But now we have our heads tilted down digging the web of other people’s updates and assess the excellent use of social filters. We have our phones with us all the time, no matter if we are sitting on a toilet seat or in a meeting. We yearn to utilize every bit of our time; well social media helps us to do just the opposite.

It's quite necessary now to let go of the sheer desire to follow trends or else we would be scraping off our chances at actually 'making an impact'. Let's not kill our opportunities and make the perfect use of our limited time.


  1. I wouldn't agree more, this is well articulated. What's more absurd is the fact that it's getting acceptable not to portray the real person on social media. Fake is translated and consumed under the guise of branding. (Call it ignorance) but don't fail to harnessyour own creativity from within.

  2. What you have said in these words is totally true.

    I know I can't match you in your wisdom or refined thoughts or words, but here are my humble thoughts:

    Like you have said, we have limited time but unlimited choices. In economics, there's this theory of scarcity - unlimited wants, limited resources. And this is what causes problems in economics. Similarly, in life, being mortals, we don't have infinite time to choose.

    People fail to realise that they can't choose everything - if they could, what would be the point of offering them choices? They have to satisfy themselves with whatever life presents, whether they like it or not.

    1. First of all, thank you so much to go through this article. I am glad you liked it.

      Well you are an author, and all that we talked I know one thing, you are a smart girl, and your words are just as awesome as mine.

      I was a student of economics too. I get what you are talking about. It's about utilities.

      I think life is always about priorities. We gotta choose what's most important to us. And that defines who we are. There is no right or wrong way of choosing things in life but how you choose things makes you who you are!


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